Our Philosophy on Education
Newtonville Preschool is committed to being a child-centered preschool program. A curriculum implemented through teacher guidance, exploration activities and dramatic play with peers provides for the social, emotional, physical and intellectual development of preschool readiness. Through diversity education, various traditions and cultures will be explored, honored and respected. Communication with parents will be emphasized as an important and necessary component to the program.
We believe that both social and academic focus is important to develop a well-rounded student.
Social Learning
Learning classroom routines, rules and expectations, working well in smaller and larger group settings, taking turns, sharing, role playing and preparing our students for Kindergarten.
Academic Learning
Mastering shapes, colors, letter recognition, formation and sounds, name writing, number recognition, counting by rote, simple addition and subtraction, proper holding of writing implements, introducing the use of scissors, writing implements, pasting, gluing, and working with hand eye coordination and use of small motor skills.
About the Teachers
Fiza Rohail is near completing her Bachelors degree in Elementary Education; has an Associates of Arts degree and Early Childhood Education Certificate. This is her second year at Newtonville Preschool this fall.
Karin Wheatley has a Bachelor of Professional Science degree in Elementary Education and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from SUNY College at Oswego. Karin will be starting her nineteenth year here at Newtonville Preschool this fall.
Parent Role
Parents are invited to help with field trips, special class projects, snack preparation or to share a special talent or expertise. There is no mandated participation on the parent’s part.
Choose Your Child’s Schedule
You have the option to send your child 2,3,4 or 5 mornings a week and can choose which mornings work best with your schedule. Class runs from 9am-12pm. There will be a limit of 14 children per day with 2 teachers. The class will be made up of 3 and 4 year old students. Your preschooler must be 3 years old by December 1st to be enrolled.
Preschool School Readiness... Because our children are all so unique and develop at their own individual rate, there is no right starting age. If your child has reasonable good health, enjoys group play and likes activities such as Sunday school or library story time, he/ she will make a happy adjustment to preschool.
Can he/she handle his/her bathroom needs? While our teachers are understanding about the once-in-a-while accident, they do expect the children to be daytime potty-trained before entering school.
Newtonville Preschool is committed to being a child-centered preschool program. A curriculum implemented through teacher guidance, exploration activities and dramatic play with peers provides for the social, emotional, physical and intellectual development of preschool readiness. Through diversity education, various traditions and cultures will be explored, honored and respected. Communication with parents will be emphasized as an important and necessary component to the program.
We believe that both social and academic focus is important to develop a well-rounded student.
Social Learning
Learning classroom routines, rules and expectations, working well in smaller and larger group settings, taking turns, sharing, role playing and preparing our students for Kindergarten.
Academic Learning
Mastering shapes, colors, letter recognition, formation and sounds, name writing, number recognition, counting by rote, simple addition and subtraction, proper holding of writing implements, introducing the use of scissors, writing implements, pasting, gluing, and working with hand eye coordination and use of small motor skills.
About the Teachers
Fiza Rohail is near completing her Bachelors degree in Elementary Education; has an Associates of Arts degree and Early Childhood Education Certificate. This is her second year at Newtonville Preschool this fall.
Karin Wheatley has a Bachelor of Professional Science degree in Elementary Education and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from SUNY College at Oswego. Karin will be starting her nineteenth year here at Newtonville Preschool this fall.
Parent Role
Parents are invited to help with field trips, special class projects, snack preparation or to share a special talent or expertise. There is no mandated participation on the parent’s part.
Choose Your Child’s Schedule
You have the option to send your child 2,3,4 or 5 mornings a week and can choose which mornings work best with your schedule. Class runs from 9am-12pm. There will be a limit of 14 children per day with 2 teachers. The class will be made up of 3 and 4 year old students. Your preschooler must be 3 years old by December 1st to be enrolled.
Preschool School Readiness... Because our children are all so unique and develop at their own individual rate, there is no right starting age. If your child has reasonable good health, enjoys group play and likes activities such as Sunday school or library story time, he/ she will make a happy adjustment to preschool.
Can he/she handle his/her bathroom needs? While our teachers are understanding about the once-in-a-while accident, they do expect the children to be daytime potty-trained before entering school.